How Much Do Pearls Cost? Or Pearl Value Factor - Shape

Pearl Shapes are generally round or spherical. Truly perfectly saped pearls are a small percentage of all the pearls that are cultivated. Shapes can be round to near-round, to a pill shape, coin shape, drops, or completely free form.

Pearls are graded into three major categories. These are Spherical, Symmetrical, and Baroque. Spherical are either round or near round, non-round Symmetrical pearls have shapes that are the same on each side, and each side is a mirror image of the other. Baroque is the term used to describe those that are completely irregular shapes.


Sometimes the pearl, when growing inside the oyster, develops rings, either grooves, or ridges around the circumference and then the shape of the pearl is modified by the adjective of "circled" or "ringed".

The round or near round symmetricalgems have the highest value. The round or spherical pearls are a much more rare than all of the other shapes and therefore more valuable. Round pearls can be as low as 2% of the entire harvest.

As in all the other pearl values, the value of roundness by itself does not guarantee a high price. When we consider pearl value, we must consider all seven value factors affect price.

As with all the Value factors, one trait does not guarantee a greater value. A perfectly round gem with a dull and lusterless look is not going to be as beautiful as a slightly less round one that has a fantastic luster. Or a perfectly round pearl with surface irregularities will be appraised at a lesser amount than one that is less round with a perfect surface. Obviously shape is not the only factor in determining pearl cost.

How Much Do Pearls Cost? Or Pearl Value Factor - Shape

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