Fitness - The Benefits of Teen Fitness and Wellness

In all aspects of good living, it is always better to start them off young. And the same thing rings true most especially when it comes to your teenagers' fitness and well being. And since it is widely known that kids who have been physically well and fit during their teen years maintain that kind of wellness for the rest of their lives, that is not such a bad thing, is it?

Doctors recommend that teens aged thirteen to eighteen years old get at least one hour of physical activity each and every day for them to lead healthy lives. But since the advent of the internet, computers and home videos, teenagers these days are becoming less inclined to sports and other outdoor physical activities. And hey, mall hopping does not count. So if your teenager is interested in swimming, skateboarding, dancing, or even just walking all the way to school or maintaining a part time job, it can go a long way in maintaining their overall fitness.


Fitness and well being during the teenage years would often result in having a well balanced happy teenage life for your children. And this they will carry with them for as long as they live.
• They are less likely to get sick and can even have improved immune systems because of the exercise they have been getting.
• Being fit also makes them more resistant to stress and can handle stress and anxiety far better than their less fit peers.
• Being fit also helps them concentrate on things that matter most like getting good grades, maintaining a healthy social relationship among friends and family members.

Fitness - The Benefits of Teen Fitness and Wellness

The specified benefits above are just but a few reasons among the hundreds of reasons why parents should encourage their teenage sons and daughters to lead more active lives. With the different kinds of pressure that exist for young people to deal with these days, it is always good to know that they are well prepared and more than capable to handle just about anything that life throws at them. Just keep in mind that teenagers these days must be allowed to take control of their lives as well as what activities they want to do and assure them that you, their parents, are just there and more than ready and willing to support them during those times that they need your guidance and help.

Fitness - The Benefits of Teen Fitness and Wellness

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