The Advanced - Calisthenics Exercises That Will Make You Cry - Upper Body

Most of these calisthenics exercises will give you a full body workout, but these primarily focus on the upper-body: arms, back, shoulders, chest.

Handstand Push-Up
Yes. You guessed it. Get into the not so difficult handstand position. Then do a push-up. Have someone hold your legs, or rely on a wall for support when you're starting out. As you get better at balancing, you will be able to perform this exercise free-standing. Note: the most difficult part about a handstand is our fear of falling over our head. Conquer that fear by practicing falling on a softer surface.

\"exercises Workouts\"

Reverse Wall Dip
Similar to a typical dip, focusing on arms and shoulders; this one is done on the ledge of a wall. The starting position is the same as when you do sit ups with your knees bent and your arms at your sides. The only difference is that you're not laying down horizontally, your body is vertical, with you feet flat on the wall, and your arms suspending you at the edge of a ten story building. You can tone it down a bit, and just find a 5 foot ledge to work your triceps on, but how will you develop your inner strength?

One-Arm Wall Dips
A lot like a one-arm push-up; but instead of having your body weight distributed between your feet and arm, your mainly relying on just one arm. If you're really really short, then perhaps a good sturdy desk will do, otherwise go find a wall! Maybe do a few regular dips to get into it, and once your ready use only one hand. It may help to lean forward a bit so that your arm is directly bellow your chest, and pivot as you lower and raise yourself back up.

Climb Ups
Can be done on a pull-up bar or a wall (easier, because you can use your legs to help you), turn a pull-up into a climb. Pull yourself up, so that your chin is in line with the ledge/bar and then swing on of your elbows up, then the other up, raising your body a few more inches. Finally raise your body all the way up, so that the ledge/bar is now at your hips. Now do a dip and lower yourself back down. If you can....repeat.

The Advanced - Calisthenics Exercises That Will Make You Cry - Upper Body

Some calisthenics exercises are more challenging than others. Start with the easier ones and proceed to those that are a bit harder.